Vice President Paul Chandler to Serve as Chairman of the ACT-IAC Small Business Alliance

Washington, DCJuly 1, 2017 – Macro Solutions today announced that the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) has selected Paul Chandler to serve as Chairman of the ACT-IAC Small Business Alliance (SB Alliance) for the 2017-2018 season. ACT-IAC formed the Small Business Alliance in March 2014 to educate government officials on the value of small businesses and help small businesses succeed in the government marketplace. As SB Alliance Chairman, Paul will lead programs that are designed to highlight the exceptional contributions that small businesses make to the government technology community and engage both Federal officials and a broad cross section of companies, from recent startups to well established systems integrators.

“ACT-IAC plays a vital role in helping the Federal government appreciate the valuable contributions that small businesses have made to advancing technology, and we couldn’t be more pleased to have Paul lead the Small Business Alliance over the coming year. Macro Solutions is delighted and honored to have the opportunity to support this important public-private partnership,” Macro Solutions’ Chief Executive Officer, Amy Wright, said of Paul’s selection as Chairman.

Paul Chandler joined Macro Solutions’ Business Development team as Vice President in January 2016. Paul formerly supported both Business Development and operations at a mid-tier Information Technology services provider based in Northern Virginia. He began his career on Capitol Hill, working for nearly five years as a congressional aide; and he worked at a boutique public and government affairs company that specializes in serving the Information Technology community for nearly a decade, leading the firm’s homeland security consulting practice.

The SB Alliance is a member-focused group that was chartered to promote the interests and contributions of small businesses through programs and events that are designed to increase overall member engagement, enable stronger liaison across the various ACT-IAC offerings, and provide an in-depth “Community of Interest” specific to the affinity of small business. For more information, please visit